Hello Private.
Apparently you got some "skills"/Luck to be a part of .Csm, well mostly luck i guess, but here you are, inside the close community of .Csm, make the best of it.
In .Csm we have some duties (hue hue, duties), it's not much and it shouldn't be hard at all.
First of, you might notice our website:
https://crysomemore.forumotion.co.uk/ please check it once every 2 days or so for news, updates, or scrims. Everything that is important is in here so be sure to snoop around, and check for new posts once in a while.
Now that you're one of us, you have to sign up for some stuff.
- Apply for our UGC team.
- Apply for our ETF2l team.
- Apply for our Wireplay team.
- sign up for the forum if you haven't already done that.If you're not too fond of the whole forum you can just see them in your Google Calendar just ask Le Blarh, Noddy or Robkimaru, and they'll set your gmail up with our calendar.
If you should have the slightest interest in our history of scrims etc. i recommend you swing by our spreadsheet, where every scrim is documented, so check out this
Google DocWhen you need to take a brake no matter what reason you need to tell us in the
Absence post or if it's just one scrim post a comment in the scrim you can't participate in. If we see you on the roster for a scrim and you deosn't show up it will have some consequences which can be read about
HereIf you were so unlucky you didn't met the entire team during your trial i suggest you take a look at our roster, which should be up to date